About Us

The East Central and Southern Africa College of Health Sciences (ECSA-CHS)

The East, Central, and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC), established in 1974, aims to strengthen health care programs and achieve high health standards among member states. In 2014, the ECSA College of Health Sciences (ECSA-CHS) was founded to enhance coordination among professional colleges, standardize processes, engage stakeholders, and address accreditation challenges. ECSA-CHS focuses on improving health care through quality health science education, research, and training, and currently includes nine constituent colleges.

Affiliated Colleges

College of Anaesthesiologists of East, Central and Southern Africa (CANECSA)

EST: 2011

CANECSA is a college of anastesiologists of east , central and southern africa. constituent countries and aims to advance education, standards and research in safe anaesthesia.

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East Central and Southern Africa College of Physicians (ECSACOP)

EST: 2015

East Central and Southern Africa College of Physicians (ECSACOP): The aim of the college is to improve access to well-trained physicians across the region by establishing a network of dedicated training centers and implementing an internationally recognized postgraduate medical qualification.Ā 

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East Central and Southern Africa College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ECSACOG)

EST: 2018

East Central and Southern Africa College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ECSACOG) is an incorporation of the East Central and Southern African Association of Obstetrical and Gynecological Societies which forms ECSACOG.

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The East Central and Southern Africa College of Family Physicians (ECSA-CFP)

EST: 2024

The East Central and Southern Africa College of Family Physicians wasĀ established in 2024, through resolutionĀ ECSA/HMC73/R1.

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The East, Central, and Southern Africa College of Nursing and Midwifery (ECSACONM)

EST: 1990

East, Central and Southern Africa College of Nursing and Midwifery (ECSACONM): This is a professional college for nurses and midwives established in 1990.

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College of Pathologists of East Central and Southern Africa (COPECSA)

EST: 1991

College of Pathologists of East, Central and Southern Africa. Committed to maintenance of high standards in medical education in Pathology in the region.

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East Central and Southern Africa College of Pediatrics and Child Health (ECSAPACH)

EST: 2023

East Central and Southern Africa College of Paediatrics and Child Health (ECSAPACH)
The college was established in 2023. The college aims at addressing gaps in pediatrics and child health through training, practice and research.

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The East Central and Southern Africa College of Public Health Physicians (ECSA-CPHP)

EST: 2024

The East Central and Southern Africa College of Public Health Physicians wasĀ established in 2024, through resolutionĀ ECSA/HMC73/R1.

The Vision of the College of Public Health Physicians is to protect, promote, andĀ sustain high-quality universal primary health care and public health for all peopleĀ in the region throughout their life course.

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College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA)

EST: 1999

College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA): Is a professional college
whose mission is to increase accessibility of surgical services, especially to African rural.

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College of Ophthalmology of East Central and Southern Africa (COECSA)

EST: 2012

College of Ophthalmology of East Central and Southern Africa (COECSA): The college was formed in 2012 following a merger between Eastern Africa College of Ophthalmologists (EACO) and Ophthalmological Society of Eastern Africa (OSEA).

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East Central and Southern Africa College of Oncology (ECSACO)

EST: 2022

East Central and Southern Africa College of Oncology (ECSACO). The college was established in 2022. The college aim at addressing gaps in oncology through training, practice and research.

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News & Updates


An elegant evening celebrating regional health achievements, featuring distinguished guests, fine dining, and inspiring speeches, fostering collaboration and innovation in health across member states.

Marking 50 years of health advancements, this milestone event highlights ECSA-CHS’s journey, successes, and future goals with ceremonies, exhibitions, and expert discussions.

The ECSA-CHS Charity Walk successfully raised awareness and funds for community health programs, supporting children and families in need. Thank you for making a difference!

Roundtable discussion comprising ECSA-HC Director General, Prof Yoswa Dambisya, Dr. Glory Msibi, ECSACONM President, Prof Annettee Nakimuli, ECSACOG President and Prof Mpoki Ulisubisya, President CANECSA on Human Resources for Health Development

Dr. Consity Mwale, ECSA-CHS Senate Chairperson, delivered his opening remarks at the 14th Best Practices Forum held in Arusha.

ECSA-CHS has partnered with Amref Africa to support the implementation of Knowledge Management (KM) activities.