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Through the collective power of membership, you’ll receive unparalleled support and services to ensure your career reaches its full potential.

As a member, you join a powerful group advocating for nurses and midwives to promote quality healthcare in Africa.

All Our Current Members










How to Apply to Become a Member College

1. Establishing an Affiliated College under ECSA-CHS

Step 1: Form a Professional Group

  • Create a Consortium: Gather health professionals from at least five ECSA-HC countries with a shared goal of advancing professional development in a specific health discipline.


Step 2: Preliminary Inquiry

  • Regional Representation: Ensure your group has members from at least five ECSA-HC countries.
  • Formal Inquiry: Submit a letter to the ECSA-HC Director General expressing interest in establishing a new college and seeking guidance.
  • Detailed Application: Prepare an application outlining:
    • Goals/Objectives: Clearly state the goals of the proposed college.
    • Opportunity: Identify the need the college will address.
    • Training Approach: Describe the proposed curriculum and educational methods.


Step 3: Process Guidance

  • Feedback: Within ten working days, ECSA-HC will provide feedback and detailed instructions on the affiliation process.

Step 1: Preliminary Inquiry

Formal Letter: Submit a letter to the ECSA-HC Director General expressing interest in registering ECSA-CHS as a higher learning institution in your country.

Step 2: Process Guidance

Feedback: ECSA-HC will respond within ten working days with feedback on the registration process.

Step 3: Document Submission

Required Documents: Follow the detailed procedures and submit the necessary documents to regulatory authorities.

Step 4: Approval and Feedback

Follow-Up: The requesting country is responsible for tracking the registration process and providing feedback to ECSA-CHS.

  • The fellowship collegiate training model at the East Central Southern Africa (ECSA) College of Health Science (CHS) offers numerous benefits.
    • Clinical Training
      • Hands-On Experience:
      • Exposure to Diverse Medical Cases.
    • Professional Development
      • Mentorship from Experts.
      • Leadership Training.
    • Research Opportunities.
      • Access to Research Facilities and Training Opportunities.
      • Collaboration with Researchers.
    • Networking and Collaboration
      • Interdisciplinary Collaboration, across the 11 ECSA-CHS training colleges.
      • Regional and Global Networking, in the over 20 countries in which ECSA-CHS is currently training in.
    • Career Advancement
      • Enhanced Credentials.
      • Specialization Opportunities.
    • Sustainability and Capacity Building.
      • Building Local Capacity.
      • Strengthening Health Systems

Membership Requirements

To become a member of ECSA-CHS, you need to meet our membership requirements. Download our membership requirements document to learn more about the eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits of membership

Frequently Asked Questions

Membership FAQs

A list of frequently asked questions and their answers

  • What is ECSA-CHS?
    • ECSA-CHS stands for East Central and Southern Africa College of Health Sciences. It is an umbrella college for the ECSA-HC colleges
  • When was ECSA-CHS formed?
    • Through a health minsters resolution in 2014 (ECSA/HMC54/R9), an umbrella college, the ECSA College of Health Sciences (ECSA-CHS) was established.
  • What is the role of ECSA-CHS
    • The role of ECSA-CHS is meant to streamline the operation and relationship amongst the professional colleges, enhance visibility, standardize processes and procedures including quality management, engage stakeholders and tackle common challenges related to accreditations and recognitions by education and professional regulators in the member states, leading to excellence and cost-efficiency in specialists healthcare training, service provision and research in the region.
  • How many colleges are under ECSA-CHS?
    • ECSA-CHS currently has 11 constituent colleges, these include College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA)
      • East, Central and Southern African College of Physicians (ECSACOP)
      • College of Ophthalmology of East, Central and Southern Africa (COECSA)
      • College of Anesthesiologists of East, Central & Southern Africa (CANECSA)
      • East, Central and Southern African College of Nursing and midwifery (ECSACON)
      • East, Central and Southern Africa College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ECSACOG)
      • College of Pathologists of East, Central & Southern Africa (COPECSA)
      • East, Central and Southern Africa College of Oncology (ECSACO)
      • East, Central and Southern Africa College of Pediatric and Child health. (ECSAPACH)
  • The 73rd HMC meeting held in Arusha Tanzania  approved the establishment of the ECSA College of Public Health Physicians  (ECSA-PHP) and ECSA College of Family Physicians (ECSA-FP) in 2024.
  • What is the governance structure of ECSA-CHS
    • The Senate is the highest governance organ of the East, Central and Southern African Health Community College of Health Sciences (CHS). The purpose of the Senate derives from, and are outlined in, Part IV of the constitution- Aims and Objectives; stressing the        facilitatory/coordinating function, as opposed to a regulatory function. It is composed of the college Presidents and Secretary Generals/Registrars of the ECSA-CHS Constituent Colleges. ECSA-HC Director General is the secretariat representative to the Senate
  • Where is ECSA-CHS located?
    • ECSA-CHS is in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania.
  • How do I get in touch with ECSA-CHS?
    • You can get in touch with ECSA-CHS through

Director General,

East, Central, and Southern Africa Health Community


Landline: +255 27 2549362

  • How do I register a college under ECSA-CHS?
    • Refer to section on how to become an ECSA-CHS College

Member Testimonials

ECSACONM has been instrumental in advancing the standards of anesthesia and critical care practice across East, Central and Southern Africa. The college’s training programs have equipped me with the specialized skills needed to provide safe and high-quality anesthesia services, even in remote areas of the region.

Dr. Miriam Taegtmeyer




COECSA’s fellowship program has been a game-changer in increasing the number of specialized ophthalmologists in our region. The structured curriculum and common examination have helped harmonize training and ensure our graduates meet international standards of care.

Dr. John Nkurikiye




ECSACOP’s collegiate training model has been crucial in addressing the shortage of specialist obstetricians and gynecologists in our region. The hands-on, competency-based approach has equipped me with the expertise to manage complex maternal and reproductive health cases, even in resource-limited settings

Prof.James Jowi




Partner Testimonials

ECSA-CHS has been a valuable partner in strengthening specialist healthcare training and service delivery across East, Central and Southern Africa. Their innovative fellowship programs and focus on localized, sustainable capacity building align well with our mission to improve health outcomes in the region

Dr. Glory Msibi

Head of Department, International Public Health

Liverpool University

United Kingdom